Tuesday, October 1, 2019

uncommon grace

in every quiet headland
in every evening still


doth mercy

As i reflect on this image i am struck by the vastness of our Creator's mercy.  How, i ask myself, can such a peaceful scene be found, especially when the news of the day is of hoarded baby fetuses, mass shootings, and opioid overdoses.  The beauty before me could never be possible without a God of long-suffering patience.

"You cannot conceive, nor can I, of the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God."
                                   Graham Greene, Brighton Rock

Photo taken in Door County Wisconsin.


  1. This is by far the best thing in my inbox today. Thanks for helping me to pause and sit in His great mercy for a moment. Your blog is a special place...grateful to be a part of your tribe...or maybe I should say herd. ;)

  2. :) So glad!! And I'm grateful we are in the same herd too!
