Sunday, April 23, 2017

sticking my nose where it belongs

into the lilac bush
and the misty morning air

into the orange
i eat

and my grandson's sweaty

"And the world itself - can I have been unhappy, living in Paradise? What keen, tingling sunlight there was! The mere smells were enough to make a man tipsy - cut grass, dew-dabbled mosses, sweet pea, autumn woods, wood burning, peat, salt water. The senses ached. I was sick with desire; that sickness better than health." 
                                             C. S. Lewis, in Surprised by Joy

Monday, April 10, 2017

april question

i asked myself

what might i

if there were
no spring

no hope
nor hue

*But there "is" spring. There "is" hope. And i am thankful.

“Come away my beloved
For now winter is past
The rain has ended and gone away….

The blossoms appear in the countryside
The time of singing has come…..
And the turtle dove’s cooing is heard
In our land. . .

Come away my beautiful one.”

                    Song of Solomon

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

small things

there are raindrops
on my windows
this morning

thousands of them

one nestled 
next to another

sent to reflect the sky’s grey
and the tender way

of small things

“Do not despise the day of small things……” 

                                                        Zech. 4:10

It's been raining several days now and i am still amazed by the way tiny drops of water can change the look of things. And to think of the life they are sustaining .........