my plan was a
a ten minute
out the back door
down the driveway
and up the gravel road
just for a fresh breath
of air
but within
a minute of setting out
the revelation began
(cries of
geese filling the air)
i scanned the horizon
in every direction
turning my face
directly upward
i saw them
high and away
into the pink feathery clouds
seemingly heaven bound
light from the great star
reflecting from their underbellies
just before fading from sight
they turned
and circled back
directly overhead
this time
so low
i could hear
the beating of their wings
they flew
the air was warm
the world
“Every human being is “formed to be a spectator of the created world and given eyes that he might be led to its author.” John Calvin
“So go to the window. go to the hills, the desert, the corner, the back door and be ravished and taken and awed.” Ann Voskamp
*This season of advent, i am reminded again of how at a particular point in history God came “low”. So low that one could actually hear the sound of his footsteps.