Saturday, March 30, 2019

late march

truth be known
i enjoy

but this one
has been extremely 

and i too
am ready 
for birdsong 
and blossoms

a tiresome virus
has kept me in
even on nicer days

but at last 
i am feeling good again
and ready to embark
on a leisurely walk

so it’s off to the park

getting out of the car
i glance up 
to the tops
of yet bare trees

in their nakedness
they charm me

offering a beauty
never seen

when  summer’s leaves 
are lush

and green

Look up my friends. See the silhouettes of branches bare…..while there is still time. :)

"Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore.There is always something to make you wonder… the shape of a tree or the trembling of a leaf."  Albert Schweitzer