Saturday, March 21, 2020

one reward (of bible study)

it all seems

things wending
and bending 
their way through space

but that's not truth

for there is 
a storyline obvious

a plot rife with mercy


"The Bible is our love letter from home."  Augustine of Hippo

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

in the year 2020

drinking in
draughts of drama

day by day

our minds find
little time to rest

let alone
digest the news cycle

try this instead

study subtle stone
and lay of land

to the clack clack

of branches

"Come forth into the light things, let nature be your teacher."
                                                           ~William Wordsworth

"In clinical studies, we have seen that 2 hours of nature sounds a day, significantly reduce stress hormones up to 800% and activates 500-600 DNA segments known to be responsible for healing
and repairing the body."   ~Dr. Joe Dispenza