Monday, April 18, 2016

reminded in the garden

there are always
those among us
(sometimes, we ourselves)

but beyond beautiful

splashes of purple
in a tangerine world

*Of course we all know the world isn’t really tangerine. But to those who are hurting it sometimes seems like they are alone. As we all learn to share more of our true selves the loneliness can lessen. 

"Impart as much as you can of your spiritual being to those who are on the road with you, and accept as something precious what comes back to you from them."  ~Albert Schweitzer


  1. Splashes of purple in a tangerine world. I love it! And needed it today. Blessings to you for sharing such richness.

  2. Splashes of purple in a tangerine world. I love it! And needed it today. Blessings to you for sharing such richness.

  3. Thank you Christy. I'm glad you liked it and it came on at a good time for you. :)
