Friday, April 30, 2010
amidst the yellow
and blue
i see this cluster
of subtle hue
a quiet sigh
escapes my lips
its beauty none shall feign
Thursday, April 29, 2010
i wonder
what the story is
behind this simple scene
behind the curtains
so serene
i'm assuming
(something i shouldn't do)
that a woman's hands
placed these vases
a stunning cobalt blue
where one day
my eyes
would rest
and in that moment
be most
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
their short time
a poignant reminder
*All flesh is grass
and all its beauty is like the flower of the field
the grass withers and the flower fades
but the Word of the Lord will stand forever.
~Is. 40: 6, 8
(And the Word of the Lord says that He has
provided the way to eternal life; that life which does
not fade or pass away.)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
side by side
shall i call them
"building buddies"
they look like
a mutt and jeff
harold and maude
or felix and oscar
nice it is
having someone
to lean on
*Can't pass up the opportunity for a couple of favorite quotes:
"Friendship is a much underestimated aspect of spirituality. It's every bit as significant as prayer and fasting. Like the sacramental use of water and bread and wine, friendship takes what is common in human experience and turns it into something holy."
~Eugene Peterson
"To lend each other a hand when we're falling...perhaps that's the only work that matters in the end."
From "Brendan" by Frederich Buechner
Monday, April 26, 2010
i like his vantage point
just think
of all he sees
from the simple perch
he's chosen
such goings on
he though,
is still
and quite content
with his place
in the scheme of things
Sunday, April 25, 2010
yellow eyes
you beautiful feline
you, with the yellow eyes
dainty nose
and cotton candy fur
you shame me
for not being
a cat lover
what an exquisite being
you make me long to see
through your golden eyes
for just one day
one hour
or even one
magical minute
Saturday, April 24, 2010
blues night
he goes by "Watermelon Slim"
and when i read the article
about him
i thought
this is for me
an evening of blues
at "Knuckleheads"
down by the tracks
and when i called for tickets
they actually had some left
it was meant to be
this memory
cool starry night
old friends, laughter
Watermelon's raspy voice
and his harmonica
*When you get those "this is for me" moments. Go for it! The desire and opportunity are there for a reason. :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
morning prayer
Dear Lord,
may i be this day
like the lilac
a fragrance sweet
*What an amazing spring we've had. Seeing the lilacs bloom this week brought to mind the following quote:
"Everything is blooming most recklessly
if it were voices instead of colors
there would be an unbelieveable shrieking
into the heart of the night."
~Ranier Marie Rilke
Enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells today.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
just because one has had
several seasons under the sun
doesn't mean one
can't be fun
and quite unique
roll baby
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
crab apple
such a name
for one so beautiful
i bestow on you this morning
the title:
"Lady Apple Angelica"
*I was reminded after writing this of how the Lord often "renamed" people and places. Here are a few examples:
Peter: Rock
James and John: Sons of Thunder
Sarii : Sarah (Princess)
Abram: Abraham (Father of Nations)
Israel shall no more be called "Rejected" but "My Delight"
Those who mourn : Oaks of Righteousness
C.S. Lewis reflected this "renaming" in his classic "The Lion, the Witch, and Wardrobe"
Peter: High King Peter the magnificent
Susan: High Queen Susan the gentle
Edmond: King Edmond the Just
Lucy: Queen Lucy the Valient
Exciting, it is, the thought of being given a new name in heaven. (Rev. 2:17)
Enjoy this beautiful day!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
spring burning
clear night
i step onto the deck
hot tea in hand
florescent flames
ebb and flow
across the horizon
farmers tending their fields
like You
burning shaft from my heart
so new life might flourish
this evening
the smoke smells like
Saturday, April 17, 2010
the softness of your
shade and hue
your fragile arms
it seems to me
for us below
and He above
to bless
*note~ It's "tulip time" in Topeka. The gardens at Lake Shawnee are quite spectacular. Thus, you'll see several tulip images sprinkled through the blog in days to come. I like this quote by Shakespeare:
"April hath put a spirit of youth in everything."
Enjoy your day....
Friday, April 16, 2010
though i love the gerber daisy
you still
my favoirte be
for the cheer of your demeanor
and your sheer
Thursday, April 15, 2010
someone's yard
the gift of gardening
spreads joy and hope
far beyond the imagining
of those who spade the earth
upon their knees
and scatter tiny hardened
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
they have an excuse
for not seeing
but we?
we can sweep back our hair
and open wide
our eyes
to the wonder
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
wash bowl
oh, the simplicity
of days gone
no, not ease,
wash bowls
homemade soap
and not so many choices
at the mercantile
Saturday, April 10, 2010
short, but interesting lives
they led
those Brontes of Hayworth
though some might find
their lifestyle boring
i rather like the sounds
of heather in bloom
and afternoon tea in the parlor
charlotte, emily, and sweet anne
along with brother branwell
the other siblings gone
consumption running rampant
cholera, too
life on the lonely windswept moors
where jane eyere
and heathcliffe,
brought into existence,
were but
Friday, April 9, 2010
stepping out
let us don our hats
and step into this gift
of sun
and weather
let us greet with eager feet
the greening grace
of spring
Thursday, April 8, 2010
pear tree
she's blooming now
in all her hope and
her fragile flowers
a prelude
to the symphony of
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
when the time comes
that dad passes on
to glory beyond
and i find myself
standing in the old garage
looking at things he's left behind
i'll see this rake
and perhaps say something like
"his hands held you
his feet stood in this very soil
when he set you
to rest
oh sacred rake
come stay with me
a conduit
of God's comfort
*a note to my friends who are grieving; I need not say to you, “YES, we grieve” for you know full well that Easter and our Hope of resurrection do not take away all pain. But our Father in Heaven is not one unacquainted with grief. The tears of his children are most precious to Him. Not one tear you shed goes unnoticed by the giver and lover of LIFE. Cry and carry on. You are not alone.
**this ends my Easter series
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
come close, thomas
touch my hands
my feet
look at my side
come greet
your risen
draw near
my brave
dear doubting
*Eight days later, Christ appeared to Thomas and the others. Having been away when he first appeared to the ten, Thomas insisted “unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I will not believe.”
As Frederick Buechner points out, “Imagination was not Thomas’s strong suit. He called a spade a spade. He was a realist. He didn’t believe in fairy tales, and if anything else came up that he didn’t believe in or couldn’t understand, his questions could be pretty direct.”
I like Thomas because he isn’t fake and doesn’t try to hide his doubt. I am comforted that Christ spoke to Thomas in the same “direct” way that Thomas questioned.
As Buechner sums it up, “He had no questions left to ask and not enough energy left to ask them with even if he’d had a couple. All he could say was, ‘My Lord and my God’ and Jesus seemed to consider that under the circumstances that was enough.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
miracle to come
oh, oh, oh
oh, oh
to think that from these
tiny hardened buds
will spring forth
luscious lavendar liliacs
is most more than i can fathom
It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead
Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we
die, but they will be raised forever.
Our bodies are buried in brokenness but they will be
raised in glory.
They are buried in weakness but the will be raised in
They are buried as physical bodies but they will be
raised as spiritual bodies.
For just as there are natural bodies. There are also
spiritual bodies. 1 Cor. 15: 42-44
Saturday, April 3, 2010
there were four at his feet
when it was
three women and the beloved
few words could come
from a body
so torn
"behold your mother
behold your son"
mary and john
bound in grief
and His desire
that they
carry on
*and from that hour the disciple took her to his own home.
~John 19:27
Friday, April 2, 2010
at the cross
darkness covered the earth
as all of creation
led as prophesied
to slaughter
the lamb of God
without blemish
*Hereby know we love, because he laid down his life for us.
~1John 3:16
Thursday, April 1, 2010
notice the exaggerated leaning in
of the men who
chose to follow Him
as judas
his cloak tinged
in green greed
and envy
his feet clean from the washing
slips out
to put in play
his promise
splotches of red
in the background
like His blood
matted on the ground
and spattered on the clothes
of those
who would ream the cat of
nine tails
black at his feet
for night ahead
awake and alone
in the garden
magestic royalty
of which He was
and that given up
for these very men
and us,
to follow
everything is bathed
in blue
the cool hue
of sadness
there is no ray of light
shining on His face
no trace of His kingship
or favor
human, as we
in the dread of bitter
but note the table
in light
the bread
the plates
and cups of wine
He called
symbols of Himself
take, eat
and remember
the body of Christ
given for
*A few thoughts from Frederick Buechner concerning the last supper:
On his last evening, they eat supper together for the last time, the rider and his friends, in some large room, upstairs somewhere in that city, a real room with things in it carpentered out of wood, coarse cloth, ragged moth at the candle flame, clink of pottery.
Hands of bone and muscle move through the air, the sounds that men make eating. One of them wipes the back of his hand across his bearded mouth. another eats like a drunk, never once taking his eyes off the one face of all their faces that is still, in the way the air just before a storm is still………
Ever since, the bread has been broken, the wine poured out….some come, not so many any more but always some, and the Lord knows why they do, why we do….probably because though there is much we cannot understand ……the inexorable life in him draws us to him the way a glimmer of light draws a man who has lost his way in the dark. Because we are hungry for more than bread. Because we are thirsty for more than wine.
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