Friday, December 31, 2010

new years eve

and though there be darkness
round about

let us dwell on
memories bright

and gentle mercies
the night

*If you have spent any time at all this year, looking at this little experimental blog of mine, I say a sincere "thank you".  Your presence out there in cyber space has meant so much to me. How would one share if there were no one to share "with". Happy New Years Eve!

**As to future "slice of life" blogs.....check out the site tomorrow. :)


  1. Congratulations on a year well done, mother! So proud of your photography and encouraging voice to accompany it. You are blessed with a gift!

  2. Thank you Terry--since discovering your blog recently it has lifted my heart and given me moments of quiet reflection. Thank you!

  3. Dear Terry,
    Thank you so very much for this successful blog. In October, we shared Alison Shaw's Photography Workshop together where I learned about your insightful blog. Ever since then, your thought provoking poems and stunning images have become the way that I have first welcomed my mornings. Sipping a steaming cup of coffee, hearing the soothing relaxing sounds of New Age music, I would open "Slice of life images and thoughts..." and begin to ease my way into the day.One morning early on, I went back through time to your first days. What a commitment! Thank you for providing this sensitive entry into my soul.
    Harold Green

  4. Thank you Ben, Christy and Harold. The year passed so quickly and for the most part the commitment was easy to carry out.I guess it's true that "time flies when you're having fun!" :) Thanks again for the support and encouragment.

  5. Thank you for a wonderful year. A talent unwasted.
