Sunday, April 10, 2011

buechner, a found poem (still life at home, dining room)

now and then
in a room called remember
peculiar treasures
telling secrets

as we wait in
the hungering dark
the faces of Jesus
Son of Laughter,
lead us
to the magnificent defeat
and the sacred journey ends

with a
love feast

*To end my "Still Life at Home" series I am breaking my 12 word rule for the week. But, I feel I have just cause. :) One of my all time favorite authors is Frederich Buechner. He came along at a time in my life when I needed to hear the things he was writing and I needed to hear them in his particular “voice.” The above poem is comprised of several of Buechner’s book titles. The book titles are in italics….i merely added a few linking words. Thank you Mr. Buechner for being a close friend through the years by way of your books.

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