Thursday, July 28, 2011

granita (Hot Hot July series)

So, I’ve been fighting this HOT summer dry spell and truth be known, I’ve been losing. Some people struggle with light deprivation in the winter. They count down the days to spring. I struggle from nature deprivation in the summer. The heat and humidity drive me inside during the day and I often find myself in a sort of summer spiral, languishing like the maples in my front yard. Thank goodness for cool early mornings. Without them, I fear I would wilt away.

Today, I decided (take note: DECIDED) to fight again (after quitting for a day or two.) “Okay, ” I told myself…..“think of something cool and refreshing, then do something creative with it. Bring something into the world that wouldn’t have been there except for this (another) scorching day.” I guess one could say: function like the underground resistance. Go along with what is happening and then, pull a surprise attack from within! :)

This is a photo of my first homemade “Granita”. It’s blueberry with a sprig of mint on top. It’s cool, refreshing, and beautiful. Touche’ JULY!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you thought of something cool and refeshing and did something with it. Indeed, it was delicious! Great photos!
