Monday, September 5, 2011

in the scheme of things

Last night as the day was drawing to a close I stepped out on the deck to take in the last lights of the lovely September sunset. This little fella caught my eye. So I raced back inside to my office to retrieve my camera. This is how I saw him through the lens, suspended midair from what looked like nothing (above the deck railing.) It was quite a sight so I snapped several shots and now as I look at them I am puzzled as to what to name this photo. Since today is Labor Day I immediately thought of “at work”……but then I thought of “in the scheme of things” which I felt suited the mood of the image much better. Yes…..

i see you
tiny spider

the light of a star
making you known to me

we are together
this moment
juxtaposed against the



at the end of

*In order to see the spider’s handiwork, I enhanced the black colors in the image and came up with the following:


  1. I love the orange and reds that you have here Terry. Spiders and Spiderwebs are fun subjects!

  2. Thanks Andy...they are indeed. This is a great time of year for taking spider webs...if i would get up and get out with the camera earlier. :)

  3. Getting up early is so tough - you seem to be managing just fine though!
