Thursday, December 5, 2013

Traveler or Tourist?

Wow! What a trip this has been.  I am so very thankful to have had the opportunity to come to this beautiful place and meet such interesting and kind people.

GK Chesterton said, “A traveler sees what he sees, a tourist sees what he has come to see.” I came with the goal of being a traveler not a tourist and not one single day went by that I didn’t see something or someone wonderful.

Today’s images are an eclectic mix of things I saw but haven’t shared in former posts. Hopefully they reflect the elements of color, line, texture, and simplicity. :)

Wishes for beauty to come your way. 


  1. The dwindling changes of another season. What wonderful images you have captured on this journey. What a take-a-way. Memories to bask in during a long winter.

  2. What a joy this has been to travel with you through your art. Hurry home friend!!

  3. Thanks so much for being there to hear my stories. :)

  4. So enjoyed the journey! It nourished my soul!
