white wicker
on a winter's day
bids me come
and stay
as twlight's pink pastel
spreads far
before me
we’re playing a lot of Pollyanna
these days
it’s almost a craze
at our house
such simple things involved
in the making of games and
So, I asked my son on the way home from seeing the movie Avatar if he could help me set up a blog. Just what everyone needs, right?? Something else to read. But what if James Cameron had decided there were enough movies already. I would have missed out on his visual feast. And though sci-fi is not my meal of choice, I did find parts of it delicious.
“Two things”, I answered. “To keep me stretching and growing in photography and writing and to have an outlet for them.”
Oh, well. . . Onward!
The goal: to record by images and words something beautiful, enlightening, and hopefully surprising from my everyday experience for each day in the year 2010.
The promise: to keep it short, to the point, and interesting for my future readers. (sorry son!)
So, if there are any of you out there…interested in what a “would be” photographer and writer sees in the course of her everyday Kansas existence…..WELCOME!