Thursday, March 31, 2011
goodbye march
goodbye march
and all the cups of porridge
i’ve stirred
under your grey
march on
you month
bane and
*I like how Charles Dickens describes a typical March day (at least the description fits where we live. If you live in Mexico it might be different.) :)
“It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.” ~Charles Dickens
Bye, bye March!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
give me grain
Wheat berries
Couscous and
*So, when I was in Dillons last week I went to the deli counter…the one with the cheese, olives, hummus and amazing salads. I sampled a “seven grain salad”….and said “oh my!” The deli man was kind enough to give me the ingredients and off I went to purchase what I needed. I found a recipe online and came up with a salad pretty close to what I had sampled.
*Trying this salad led to my adventure of week 13: exploring mideastern cooking. Besides the salad, I made Lebanese Chicken and Moroccan Chicken. Next on the list is Tava (a Turkish stew) and Challah. You can find these recipes on If you happen to have a great mideastern recipe, please share. J
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
late march snowfall
winter is
letting go
*Perhaps nature is in need of one more quiet night before the bustle of spring.
**"The cold was our pride, the snow was our beauty. It fell and fell, lacing day and night together in a milky haze, making everything quieter as it fell, so that winter seemed to partake of religion in a way no other season did, hushed, solemn." - Patricia Hampl
Monday, March 28, 2011
"it was my
she said
"and i want
you to have it
it has the colors
of your
*My beautiful and creative friend Marsha came over Saturday. She’s starting a “side business” called “Shop Your Closet” She helps women assemble outfits from the things in their closets that they have accumulated but don’t quite know how to wear. We played for around 3 hours in my closet and I am so exicted about the outfits that were already there but I had not thought to put together. It’s her gift. On top of her wonderful “style” input, she gifted me with a sweater, some slacks and this wonderful broach of her grandmothers. I’ve maybe worn a pin three or four times in my life…..but this one I will wear proudly and often. It will be a symbol of continually leaving negative things behind and embracing that which is good and right and true.
Observing Marsha use her artistic talent in the area of clothes, color, and style reminded me of this quote:
“Somehow, we humans are never happier than when we are expressing the deepest gifts that are truly us.” ~Os Guiness
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
everything is A-
is what it
said to me
as i walked along
the country road
heavy heart
"oh, weary one
lift up your head
of staring down
for all is well
in the matter
concerning thee"
* I don't know who placed the glove on the fence, but i think i would like them.:)
Friday, March 25, 2011
yogurt, yes yogurt
i knocked over a carton of yogurt
which just happened
to be open!
it splattered everywhere
up into
my hair!
*After wiping up the mess, i thought "Oh shoot, why didn't i photograph the design it made on the cabinet." So i improvised, took a spoon and hurled some yogurt onto the cabinet. (My husband just happened to walk through the kitchen at that very moment. Ha!) "Modern art!" i told him. :)
Hope you enjoy the results.
And by the way, i remembered this Shel Silverstein poem which i felt gave some legitimacy to my actions:
"Draw a crazy picture,
Write a nutty poem,
Sing a mumble-gumble song,
Whistle through your comb.
Do a loony-goony dance
'Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain't been there before."
— Shel Silverstein
Thursday, March 24, 2011
whispered to a rock (another word for you)
that patience
could be etched in me
the way i see it
etched in thee
*Patience is the companion of widsom. ~St. Augustine
**Yesterday I went to KU Med Center to visit my friend Linda who received a new kidney last week. I was accompanied by two amazingly delightful friends: Terri, who brings color to the world, and Aleda who brings the wonderful gift of storytelling and humor. It was a wonderful outing. The hour and a half drive was filled with interesting conversation ranging from spring color, diet fads, fashion, and books, to the Lybian conflict. How refreshing it is to share this life, in all it’s pain and glory, with others.
Upon arrival we found our way to the local dining district and some delicious sandwiches. At least I can personally vouch for the Eggplant Parmesan. :)
We walked back to the car through the brisk March wind which chilled us to the bone and, as cold weather does, made us very aware of being alive! When we got to Linda’s room we found her sitting up in a chair waiting for our visit. She fairly glowed! As we sat in the warmth of afternoon sunshine coming through her window and listened as she shared her experience, I was reminded of the days, weeks, months, and years that she has lived with a failing kidney.
I must say that she has been the ultimate example of patience. Watching her go through this process with strength, dignity, humor and faith has been a privilege and an inspiration. Go Linda!
I came away from the day with two thoughts I mind:
The first (about patience) is expressed in the poem above….
The second (about friendship) could be summarized by the following quote:
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." --Albert Schweitzer
I was rekindled yesterday. …thanks to the friendship of 3 amazing women.
Oh, spend time with your friends……and if you are going through a “friend drought”…don’t lose hope. There are new ones out there, waiting to be discovered.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
a word for your day
"As a culture we have confused velocity with accomplishment."
Come, sit awhile.:)
Yesterday i cashed in a gift card from a phenomenal friend. She gave me a 90 minute honey infused coconut body wrap (which, btw, included massage.) I must say, it was SOME experience! It is going down as my adventure for this week. Goodness, goodness, goodness!
If you can't do a wrap or massage today, (or any day this month or year) lean back in your chair, breathe deep, and relax your heart, mind, and body. mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmm
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
mid march
it won't be many days
till the trees
are laden
with leaves
their greenness
and i, like others,
will be pleased
with birdsong
in the mornings
and the arrival of
and forsythia
but oh
how i shall miss
the transparency
of scenes
such as these
*There seems to me an “honesty” portrayed by the naked trees of winter. Stripped of their outer coverings, we see both their strength and fragileness with a clarity not seen in summer, spring, or fall.
**This thought leads me to my adventure of last week. I had the privilege of waiting in the surgical waiting room at KU Medical Center while my very dear and close friend Linda Y. underwent a kidney transplant. Linda has been on the transplant list for some time now so this adventure has been anticipated for awhile. However, when the call came, it had the feel of a total surprise.
Surgical waiting rooms, (especially, transplant surgical waiting rooms) have the feel of the “mid march” scenes above. Families sit huddled together, in both strength and fragility, and the arms of their hearts are lifted high. Usually, one stands apart, at least inwardly (the husband, the wife, the father, mother, or maybe a long lost child). The “truth” that we are but mere men is clear.
I’m very happy to report that Linda is doing quite well. She and her husband attribute this precious gift to the hand of God through an unknown fellow traveler.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
art in motion (kansas from a car, scenes from I-70)
i didn't want you
from the beginning
i thought
no! don't scatter
scraps of metal
across this sacred prairie
don't clutter up my view
but now that i see you
i can say
you have
more than one way
to contribute
Saturday, March 19, 2011
elevator (kansas from a car, scenes from I-70)
oh silhouette
in blue
it's surprising
what you do
to me
This grain elevator near Salina brought back an abundance of childhood memories. I wrote the following poem several years ago. I thought it fit well with the image and the memories.
summer of sixty-two
we held our breaths
that year
from fall, through spring,
into early summer
and the crop was still
the wheat tested
dry enough
my brother and i
did belly flops
into golden grain
and watched kernels
fall through our fingers
like time
through an hour glass
chicken was fried
watermelon chilled
and farmer's old trucks
lined up at elevators
Friday, March 18, 2011
request (kansas from a car, scenes from I-70)
frito lay truck
among the mighty windmills
tell me what you
at the end of the day
who have watched
the sky
change and rearrange herself
before you
always going
though wind
and early dawn
oh please
tell me your
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
tree tops (kansas from a car, scenes from I-70)
some people think
doesn't have trees
but i can tell you
it isn't so
oh no,
there are trees
tantalizing trees!
they sway
in summer's breeze
and bend to winter's
in spring
filled with praise
they raise their arms
and wave to all
who pass by
symbols of mercy
are trees
as these
*The tree is more than first a seed, then a stem, then a living trunk, and then dead timber. The tree is a slow enduring force, straining to win the sky. ~Antoine de St. Exupery
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
as japan
rocks and reels
in the aftershocks
and their nuclear plants
i awaken
to fresh fallen
as surreal in beauty
as that tiny island
in devastation
and where is God
in this paradox?
a question
easily asked
but perhaps in our confusion
we fail to see Him
in the gap
*I will be back to the "Kansas from a Car" series tomorrow. Awakening this morning to this dreamlike world of white after going to bed having watched such sad news caused me pause. How in our finite minds, do we reconcile such suffering and such beauty? For myself, i find them amazingly converged in the person of Christ...(the beautiful man of sorrows).
Be well this day. I hope you see much beauty in our broken world.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
tin shed (kansas from a car, scenes from I-70)
oh, give me a home
where there is
character in the land
stone posts
tin sheds
and forever
the smell of the
*My adventure this past week was strapping pieces of wood to my feet and pointing them down a mountain. It has been a few years since we have gone skiing so I thought it qualified as something “new”. However, I discovered that driving through Kansas on I-70 to Colorado presented another “new” experience: photographing “while in motion”. The pictures in the following series were taken from the car as it sped down the highway at a little over 75 mph. I deleted many photos but came up with a few that I am pleased with. Most of the images were taken on a slow shutter speed…thus, the enhanced sense of motion. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, March 11, 2011
jaybird (soft series)
a busy fellow he is
back and forth
from tree to tree
but in a moment of stillness
the shutter
and i see softness
in the hue
of his stuuning
Thursday, March 10, 2011
baby face
one can't think about
natural softness
without thinking of
skin such as this
ah, collagen bliss
* "There is one order of beauty which seems made to turn heads. It is a beauty like that of kittens, or very small downy ducks making gentle rippling noises with their soft bills, or babies just beginning to toddle.
~T.S. Eliot
**This is a photo of Campbell Joy. She is my neice Kelly's sweet daughter.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
foam (soft series)
oh ocean,
you frighten me
but alas
your roaring wave
and i see
tenderness beyond
*It seems to me that tenderness and strength are both best, when paired together.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
foxtail (soft series)
i grew up
running through
fields of
and like a fox
and free
i longed to be
and wise
*Soft things stir our imaginations, whatever our age.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
end of day (soft series)
have you ever wondered
why the day
comes in and out
so softly?
why sunrise doesn't come
with the crash
of clanging cymbal
and sunset to a
brass band?
we get a slow
and soft
and when the firey ball
drifts out of
it is
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
peach fuzz (soft series)
i start the poem
"soft green
and peaches' fuzz"
i thinking of?
*This image reminds me of the "ripening" process. These peaches will only get sweeter and more lovely as time passes by. Yum, yum, yum. Just love fresh ripe peaches.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
yarn (soft series)
it looks to me
a work of art
it’s texture alone
a marvelous
*When I looked at this yarn, I was reminded of the process it went through to become so soft, beautiful, and usable for the expression of someone’s art. It occurred to me, that we go though a similar process in life. Here are some of the steps in yarn making:
1. The cotton seed is planted. Cotton grows and matures and is then picked and baled.
2. Baled cotton is sent to the “bale opening” room where it is sent through a "breaking and opening" machine. (the result is small loose bunches of cotton)
3. It is then placed in a "blending" machine and is blended with other grades of cotton.
4. Next is the "breaking picker" where it is partially cleaned by beating.
5. Followed by the "finishing picker" where final cleaning and fluffing takes place.
There is more to the process but i think you get the idea. :)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
puppy (soft series#1)
there is so much
about the world
that's harsh
it's before us every day
if we have a television
if we have a heart
but there are soft things
i think
to remind us
*The Lord is good to all and His compassion is over all that He has made. ~Psalms 145:9
**This week's adventure is to search out "soft" things and to write about them. Hope you enjoy.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
once in awhile
people are sent
to carry you
when this is so,
and let go
you'll find yourself
riding high
on the arms
of love
*I must say that through the whole month of February i felt "lifted" (like this happy boy) by the well wishes of many of you in regard to having completed a year's worth of daily blogging. Thank you dear Kelly and sneaky Ben for instigating your "surprise and encourage aunt terry/mom month". It TRULY was a surprise. At first i felt a bit uncomfortable at receiving such attention but very quickly decided to relax and receive from the joy and generosity of everyone who took part. The kind words, gifts, calls, etc. were very much appreciated. Thank you one and all. May your acts and words be returned to you a hundred fold.
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