Hi all, i'm back. I've been away from my computer due to muscle spasms and contemplation. Quite a combo don't you think? But, i haven't forgotten that i'm featuring the "people of Copley Square". Such as this lovely young lass busily going about her day. She caught my eye immediately as she made her way down the sidewalk across the street from where i was sitting.
As i review the images i snapped of her that day, i see "life", "vitality", "beauty" and "hope". Those concepts juxtaposed against the grief and shock i feel at the sudden death of Mike Wells, (see previous blog post) leave me in a contemplative mood. Intellectually, i am of course, aware of death's reality, but emotionally, i don't know that i have truly come to terms with it. So when someone as young and vibrant as Mike crosses over the bar, i find myself in shock once again.
And all i can imagine Mike saying to me at this time is " Go, Live, Love,. Don't be afraid of death. God will be with you in your deepest places of sadness. It's all so short, you know. We'll all be together so very very soon."
As i think back to Copley Square when i was viewing such a variety of people coming and going that beautiful September morning, i am reminded of the preciousness that each and every person holds in the heart of His maker. Trees are astounding, susnsets thrilling, the ocean unfathomable, BUT people, PEOPLE are God's greatest love and most prized possession. That is why "love" is the highest calling of all.
So my prayer today is : Bless this beautiful auburn haired young woman as she goes about her day. Touch her and use her to bring love and beauty to someone who needs it today. Thank you for the inspiration she has brought to me as i witness her lovely vitality.
And make Mike's faith, like that of a mustard seed, grow into a tree that is strong, steady and yielding of much fruit to be partaken of by those he left behind. I know if he had been with me in Copley square he would have been relishing the sight of so many people to love and striking up conversations with them every chance he got. :)
WE are not all Mikes, nor are we all lovely young auburn haired lasses, but we are all unique, valuable treasures with various gifts to offer. Let us just go about our day giving what we have. :)
I will end with a short quote i find encouraging as i face death's reality:
"Death unto a child of God is but passing through a dark entry out of one little dusky room of His Father's house into another that is fair, and large and glorious."
Sorry for getting away from my promise to keep my postings short, simple and to the point. Today the blog has been for me a tool of processing. I appreciate your understanding. Blessing to you.