Saturday, November 16, 2013

Solitude and Society

"Solitude is as needful for the imagination as society is wholesome for the character."
                                                                                                        ~James Russell Lowell

Yesterday i drove half of the Park Loop Road which winds through the part of Acadia National Park which is on Mt. Desert Island where i'm staying. Acadia is almost empty of tourists now; only an occasional car or biker share the road with me. As i drive through the lovely landscapes and forests, a line keeps running through my head: "Give me your tired, your poor, your hungry masses yearning to be free." It seems to me the landscape echos those famous words. They remind me of other famous words: "Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest."  It seems i'm being reminded that rest is available if  i will but avail myself to it. It's my choice really. I am always amazed at how the woods, fields, rocks, and sea are medicines My Father uses to replenish my sometimes weary soul.

Today's images are from my drive yesterday. It was a wonderful afternoon of solitude. Later upon arriving home i found a note taped to my door from a woman named Susan who lives across the gravel road and down among the pines. She was asking me to call for the purpose of setting up a coffee date. Ah, the joy of society too. We are meeting for a walk and coffee tomorrow. I shall look forward to what i am sure will be another splendid encounter. :) Have a good day!


  1. I can hear the quiet. I can sense the peace. I added just a low touch of New Age. Rlaxed back and enjoyed. Thank you.

    1. Oh, thank you Harold. I was hoping to achieve that sense of peace through the photographs.

  2. Hey Ben! Thanks for checking in. Glad the photo worked out for you. Yes, still meeting all kinds of interesting people. :) YOU know what that's all about!
